IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator that has specialized in providing fertility assistance, infertility treatment, and IVF in Iran and Egg Donation in Iran at the best quality and affordable price for foreign couples who have infertility problems. Through cooperating with a wide network of health centers, hotels, and travel agencies, HayatMedtour provides the best and high quality of health care, travel and accommodation services at affordable prices to international infertile couple.

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۳ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Egg Quality» ثبت شده است

Having healthy eggs is one of the most important and influential factors on a woman’s fertility. Therefore, ensuring the health and quality of eggs before pregnancy is very important. Most women who have weak oocytes are unable to conceive normally and will inevitably have to use fertility treatments such as IVF. In some cases, the quality of the eggs is so low that the only way to get pregnant is to use donated eggs. Therefore, strengthening the eggs and finding ways to increase their quality is one of the most important concerns before attempting to conceive.

The effect of age on the egg quality

طرق تحسين جودة البويضات

In the past, it was believed that every woman was born with all her ovarian reserves and could not produce more eggs after birth. Therefore, age was the most important factor affecting the health and quality of eggs and with increasing age, the quality and quantity of eggs decreases. But new scientific findings show that stem cells in the ovaries can produce new eggs during the reproductive years. However, it should be noted that age still has an important effect on the process of ovulation and the production of new egg cells, because the production of new oocytes is possible only at the reproductive age, and with increasing age, the possibility of embryo implantation in the uterus decreases.

Although it is not possible to prevent a decrease in fertility and ovulation with aging, there are ways to improve the egg quality and increase the chances of pregnancy at an older age. Factors such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, lifestyle changes and the use of supplements, etc. can have a positive effect on the quality of eggs. Therefore, observing these items is very important to increase the quality of eggs before attempting to conceive, especially at the age of over 40 years.

Factors affecting the quality of egg

The quality of the eggs largely depends on the environment in which the ovary grows. Oocytes usually go through a 90-day period from the beginning of development until they reach puberty and are released from the ovaries. . Therefore, the ovarian environment during these 90 days has a great impact on the quality of the released eggs. In general, women over the age of 40 have a poor ovarian environment to grow quality oocytes. However, following some tips for 3 to 4 months before getting pregnant can help them to increase the quality of eggs and pregnancy health. The most important factors affecting the health and quality of eggs are:

  • Proper diet

We know that proper diet and nutrition have a direct impact on our health. So it is not surprising that diet may affect the reproductive health and quality of eggs. Women who are planning to become pregnant should eat foods that are high in vitamin A, such as liver, fish, and a variety of high-fat dairy products, to improve the quality of their eggs. Adequate intake of vitamin A by the body contributes to the proper response of the ovaries, increasing the quality of eggs and fetal growth. In addition, research shows that eating omega-3 foods such as fish and flaxseed is effective in maintaining fertility and improving egg quality.

مكملات غذائية لتحسين جودة البويضات

Doctors recommend a low-carb, high-fat diet (unsaturated fat) before pregnancy. This diet helps to improve the quality of eggs in two ways, one is to reduce inflammation and the other is to balance reproductive hormones. Inflammation can cause tissue damage, reduce blood flow to the ovaries, and interfere with the ovaries’ ability to receive nutrients. However, adequate ovarian nutrition and adequate blood flow are essential to ensure the growth of eggs and the production of quality eggs. Therefore, to reduce inflammation, it is recommended to limit carbohydrate intake because the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body causes the production of glucose, fructose, and other sugars that cause inflammation.

The balanced production of reproductive hormones is another factor affecting the quality of eggs. When hormones become unbalanced in the body (a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome; PCOS), the ovaries do not function properly and the eggs mature at low speed and quality.

Therefore, to increase the quality of eggs, it is recommended to increase the consumption of unsaturated fats because fat gives energy to the body and helps in the production of hormones and the growth of egg cells. In addition, it is recommended to avoid excessive caffeine consumption because caffeine in various ways impairs women’s reproductive function.

  • Lifestyle

Some simple lifestyle changes can improve egg quality and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Some of these changes are:

No.1  Having enough sleep

effect of lifestyle on eggs quality

Adequate and quality sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. During sleep, the body repairs cells and recovers lost energy. In addition, during sleep, the hormones needed for reproduction are released. Therefore, adequate sleep contributes greatly to the growth and health of the eggs. The brain secretes the hormone melatonin to improve sleep. In addition to improving sleep quality, this hormone also increases egg quality and facilitates ovulation and fetal growth. With age, the level of the hormone melatonin decreases, so in women over 40, it is important to choose methods to improve sleep. Eating a healthy diet, managing stress, and reducing cell phone and TV use can help improve sleep patterns.

No.2  Avoiding alcohol and smoking

Research shows that alcohol consumption and smoking reduce the quality of eggs and increase the number of abnormal eggs. The chemicals in cigarettes cause the DNA of the egg to mutate, which is usually not suitable for fertility. Therefore, avoiding alcohol and smoking has a significant effect on egg health and quality.

No.3  Stress management

Stress causes imbalance and causes many problems in the body. When we are stressed, the body begins to produce the hormones cortisol and prolactin. These hormones can disrupt the ovulation process and prevent the production of quality eggs. The importance of stress management in the infertility treatment process is twofold. Because fertility treatment itself is a stressful process and if this stress is managed properly, it will have a great impact on the success of treatment.

No.4  Exercising

Light exercise such as walking and yoga are great ways to reduce stress, increase blood flow to the genitals and strengthen the immune system. As mentioned earlier, the ovaries need enough blood flow to provide nutrients and oxygen in order to be a good environment for quality eggs to grow. Therefore, exercising helps a lot to increase blood flow and increase the quality of eggs. In addition, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and doing abdominal massages increase blood circulation in the ovaries and uterus and improve the quality of eggs.

  • Use of supplements

Using supplements is one of the best options to complete a healthy diet and ensure the health of the body and reproductive health. Supplements can help improve egg quality in women of childbearing age and over 40 years. Research shows that the nutrients and vitamins in supplements increase the ability of the egg to divide and improve the quality of the formed fetus. In addition, the antioxidants in supplements prepare the ovarian environment to improve egg quality.

The most important supplements recommended to improve egg quality in women over 40 are:

Omega-3: Omega-3 helps maintain fertility in women and improves egg quality by delaying ovarian aging. Getting enough omega-3 through your diet is difficult, so it is recommended to take a fish oil supplement that contains adequate amounts of omega-3.

 Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is an antioxidant that enhances the ability of an egg to divide. The level of this enzyme in the body decreases with age. Therefore, supplementation of this enzyme is recommended to improve the quality of eggs and provide the energy needed for egg DNA amplification in women over 40 years of age.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A plays an important role in improving egg quality and fetal growth. Vitamin A supplementation helps women over the age of 40 to ensure proper egg growth.

Other Supplements: Supplements containing vitamin E, zinc, folate, and some B vitamins can also help increase egg quality.

The effect of increasing egg quality on the success of fertility treatments

Paying attention to strategies to improve egg quality is important not only for women who are planning to become pregnant at an older age, but also helps women who intend to use fertility treatments such as IUI, IVF, and ICSI and increases the chances of successful treatment. learn more about the ways that increase the chance of IVF Success: 11 Tips to Increase Your Chances of IVF Success

Infertility treatments using high-quality eggs increase the likelihood of embryo formation. In addition, embryos formed with quality eggs have a better chance of implanting in the uterus and will continue to have more successful cell division.

Here are 7 Tips to Improve Egg Quality and Boost Fertility

Egg donation in Iran

Women often ask if there is a natural or 'at home remedy' for boosting egg quality and improving fertility and the changes of pregnancy. Dr. Hirshfeld-Cytron explains what you can do to ensure that your eggs are the best that can be when preparing for conception.

1. Stay Away from Cigarettes.

Smoking permanently speeds up egg loss in the ovaries. The chemicals in cigarettes mutate the DNA in a woman's egg cells, making some of the eggs unsuitable for conception. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and the number of eggs reduces with age, so it is best to keep eggs healthy and free of unnecessary chemicals.

2. Manage Stress.

Stress can produce hormones such as cortisol and prolactin that can interfere or halt ovulation, which also hinders egg production. Stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise or a warm bath can help keep stress and frustration at bay.

3. Eat Healthy.

Healthy foods improve overall health, this includes helping your eggs stay healthy and high quality, as well as improve overall fertility. Eat plenty of leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, fresh vegetables, and fruits. Stay away from trans fats, refined carbs, processed foods or meats, and excessive salt and sugar.

4. Achieve a Normal BMI (body mass index).

Obesity has been linked to reduced fertility and decreased egg quality due to alterations of mitochondrial function and increased oxidative stress. Being overweight can also alter hormonal balance, disrupting ovulation. A body mass index (BMI) between 18.5-24.9 is recommended to achieve pregnancy. To give you an idea of what that looks like, a woman that is 5’6” falls within a normal BMI with a weight range of 115-154 lbs.

5. Boost Blood Flow.

Good egg health is aided by oxygen-rich blood flow to the ovaries. Blood flow in the body can quickly decrease from dehydration, so aim to drink 64 oz. of water each day. Yoga is a healthy and relaxing way to improve blood flow, with poses such as the lotus pose, child’s pose, reclining hero and seated forward bend offering a specific fertility benefit.

6. Invest in Supplements.

No need to break the bank on vitamins, but there are three low-cost options that can help with egg health: Coenzyme Q10, melatonin and fish oil. CoQ10 can boost mitochondrial function as well as antioxidants, improving the quality of eggs (200 mg, 3x daily); melatonin can boost antioxidants, encourage ovarian function and aid in sleep (3mg each evening); and fish oil (EPA/DHA) can help produce higher quality eggs and help reproductive function in advanced maternal age (1200-1500mg EPA + DHA daily, do not exceed 3000 mg/day).

7. Freeze Your Eggs.

If you are planning on delaying motherhood, the best way to protect your fertility future is to stop your biological clock and freeze your eggs. With time, a woman’s natural fertility declines, but frozen eggs remain the same biological age as when they are cryopreserved, boosting your chances of future success.

The peak fertility for women is reached around age 25 and remains about the same until approximately age 32, when it begins to decline. At age forty, the rate of decline accelerates and by age 42 a woman has lost almost 70% of her fertility potential. This trend continues until menopause, which occurs around age 51 on average in the U.S.


Egg Quality in Women


At birth there are approximately 1-2 million eggs in the ovaries. This number falls to about 500,000 at the time of puberty and results in approximately 400 ovulations during the reproductive years. The development of eggs is controlled by the pituitary gland which releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) that stimulates follicular growth. Inside of each follicle is an egg, surrounded by granulosa cells and follicular fluid. The follicle produces estrogen, which signals the brain as a feed back. At the beginning of a woman’s reproductive life span, the ovary responses readily to stimulation from the brain to produce a mature egg. However, over time the number of eggs decreases in the ovary. These remaining eggs do not respond as easily to the FSH signal from the brain, which makes more FSH in an attempt to stimulate the ovary to produce an egg. We measure the FSH and estradiol (E2) on the third day of the menstrual cycle to determine ovarian reserve. Since E2 can falsely suppress FSH, the interpretation of FSH requires that the E2 concentration be less than 40 pg/ml on same day.

An elevated FSH level does not necessarily mean that the woman is about to enter menopause. Rather, it suggests that she has entered the transitional period, which is the period that precedes the onset of menopause. Most women with increased FSH levels continue to have regular periods and ovulate. Women with markedly elevated FSH levels (greater than 20) usually do not respond adequately to stimulation with fertility medications and are best treated using donor eggs. This is even more indicated when raised FSH levels are detected in a woman over 40, whose egg quality is likely to be reduced as well.

It is important to realize that while FSH levels are relatively reliable indicators of ovarian strength and sensitivity to fertility hormones, it is largely the woman’s age that determines her inherent egg quality. While a woman in her 30s with a raised FSH is likely to have ovarian resistance to fertility drugs, the outcome may be better than someone in her 40s with normal FSH.

Women in the late reproductive years not only have significantly lower pregnancy chances, but also a high miscarriage rate due to chromosomal abnormalities in their embryos. IVF through facilitating the delivery of multiple embryos to the uterus can enhance the birthrate in such women. IVF is accordingly the treatment of choice for infertile women in their early forties, who simply do not have the time to waste on relatively non-efficacious alternatives. If conventional IVF fails using one’s own eggs, ovum donation promises outstanding success rates regardless of the woman’s age or FSH level. The live birth rate of ovum donations (regardless of the woman’s age) ranges from 50-55% per fresh cycle, not including the additional frozen cycle pregnancies.