IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator that has specialized in providing fertility assistance, infertility treatment, and IVF in Iran and Egg Donation in Iran at the best quality and affordable price for foreign couples who have infertility problems. Through cooperating with a wide network of health centers, hotels, and travel agencies, HayatMedtour provides the best and high quality of health care, travel and accommodation services at affordable prices to international infertile couple.

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۹ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «IVF warrior» ثبت شده است

IVF is a common treatment for people who are unable to conceive naturally

Usually in IVF, the woman has medicines (fertility hormones) to stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs. The eggs are then collected and mixed with sperm in a laboratory.

IVF is carried out when the sperm quality is considered to be ‘normal’ If there are issues with the sperm quality such as low motility or numbers, a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may instead be used – this is where a single sperm is injected into the egg by an embryologist

If fertilisation is successful, the embryos are allowed to develop for between two and six days. This helps the embryologist to select the strongest embryo, which is then transferred back to the woman’s womb to hopefully continue to a successful birth.

Often several good quality embryos will be created. In these cases, it's normally best practice to freeze the remaining embryos because putting two embryos back in the womb increases your chance of having twins or triplets, which carries health risks. You can use your frozen embryos later on if your first cycle is unsuccessful or you want to try for another baby.

IVF in Iran

What does IVF involve?

This process outlines a single cycle of IVF following the most commonly used procedure. You may find that your treatment is slightly different depending on your history and what your clinic thinks is best for you.

  • Usually, the first step is to use medication to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. There are different ways this can be done. One way is to suppress natural hormones before taking hormone medication to stimulate the ovaries. This treatment, often called a long protocol, involves taking a daily injection or nasal spray to suppress hormone production. A scan checks the woman’s natural cycle is fully suppressed. If it is, hormone treatment (usually gonadotrophin) is started to boost the number of eggs the body produces.
  • Some clinics may use the ‘antagonist protocol’. This involves taking medication (an antagonist) to suppress your hormones for a few days after you have taken the hormone medication (usually gonadotrophin) to boost the number of eggs the body produces.
  • Whichever way the ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs, you will be closely monitored for a few days by the clinic. This may involve having blood tests or ultrasound scans.
  • The eggs will be collected whilst under sedation or general anaesthetic. The procedure takes around half an hour and you may feel a little sore or bruised.
  • Whilst the eggs are being collected, the man will be asked to come to the clinic to produce a sperm sample, or your donor sperm will be taken from the freezer, for mixing with your eggs.
  • Medication will help to prepare the lining of the womb. This is usually taken as a pessary or gel which you can insert yourself into the vagina / rectum.
  • The eggs will be mixed with the sperm in a laboratory. The aim is for the eggs and sperm to fertilise to create an embryo.
  • If fertilisation happens, the resulting embryo(s), will be monitored to check how it’s/they’re developing.
  • Two to five days after fertilisation, the embryo(s) will be transferred to the womb. You won’t need any kind of anaesthetic for this unless you have a condition that would make the procedure painful. You’ll be given a date to do a pregnancy test. Although you’ll understandably be excited at this stage, try not to do this early as you may get a false result.

Read any article on “tips for increasing fertility” and you’re bound to see something about the importance of lifestyle – typically diet and exercise. A wide range of studies show a correlation between women with healthy weights and increased IVF success rates.

Exercise and IVF, however, is a trickier business. Too much exercise – particularly cardiovascular activity – seems to have an effect on reproductive hormone production, and that affects your ability to conceive.

IVF in Irab

Another challenge in determining “how much is too much” is that “exercise” for one woman is very different from exercise for another. The frequent low-impact walker exercises, as does the regular triathlete, as does the lifelong equestrian rider or rock climber. However, the intensity levels and risks associated with these various exercises is very different, and some are more conducive to a successful IVF cycle and a healthy pregnancy than others.

Take it Easy and Other Exercise Tips for IVF Success

After reviewing studies regarding exercise, pregnancy and IVF success, we’ve found these 6 tips will help you achieve the healthy pregnancy and live birth you so anxiously desire.

  1. Take it easy. That’s the most important and more general advice we can give to women who are pursuing IVF. We realize that taking it easy is a major challenge for women who are used to vigorous exercise. However, the more studies you review, the more you will see a correlation between increased physical activity and decreased rates of conception. If you are a regular runner, biker, marathon runner or participate in workout regimens designed for moderate/advanced athletes, your doctor is probably going to tell you to take it easy while pursuing your fertility treatments.
  1. Four hours or less. What does “take it easy mean?” Well, good question. A study, published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, reviewed IVF results for more than 2200 women over a nine year period. Their conclusion was, “Women who reported exercising 4 hours or more per week for 1-9 years were 40% less likely to have a live birth and were almost three times more likely to experience cycle cancellation and twice as likely to have an implantation failure or pregnancy loss than women who did not report exercise.” These findings may inspire you to pare your routine down a bit during the months preceding, during and after your IVF cycle to give you and your baby the best chance for success. Keep your cardio workouts to no more than 4 hours per week and fill in the gaps with lower-intensity options that still increase strength and flexibility, like yoga, water exercise, or tai chi.
  2. Ditch high-impact anything. If your exercise of choice is high-impact, it’s time to put it on the backburner for a while. Any serious falls, injuries or impact to the abdominal wall can seriously compromise your reproductive health, especially if there is a freshly implanted baby in there, or if you are prone to miscarriages.
  3. Prepare for “no exercise” during the week of egg retrieval. This isn’t because you shouldn’t (although you will want to take it easy), but more because you probably won’t feel like it. The fertility medications you’ll take, combined with some of their potential physical side effects – like bloating, fatigue and mild discomfort – will make you feel more like lying down and taking a nap than going outside to run a few miles. This is A-OK, and we always recommend you listen to your body and not push anything. You are embarking on a very intricate and delicate process, so you don’t want to do anything that could compromise it.
  4. Start finding other modes of stress release. For many women, regular exercise is as much about the stress relief and endorphin rush as it is about weight loss or overall health. If this is the case for you, start learning new ways to reduce or eliminate stress. What are some of the things you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t? Yoga, meditation, more outdoor time, a hobby or craft class, all those books you’ve meant to read but haven’t had time to? Now is the time to start fostering a relationship with other modes of stress release and “escape” so you won’t be so shell-shocked when you have to back off from exercising.
  5. Take the long view. Perhaps one of the best pieces of advice for any situation in life is to “take the long view.” Your months, or even a couple years, of lower-impact exercise may seem like forever to you, but they’re really not. You are making a tremendous commitment – mind, body, soul and wallet – to bring a baby into your life. The months you spend cutting back on excessive exercise now will be well worth the final results. Once you have your beautiful baby in your arms, you’ll enjoy nothing more than loading him or her up in your jogging stroller and getting back in shape. For now, just enjoy the miraculous process of transforming two single cells into a healthy, happy, miniature human being!


IVF and Exercise: 6 Tips for a Successful and Healthy Pregnancy

For those couples embarking on the journey through IVF, diet is as important as ever. The foods you eat create a nutritional foundation upon which all your bodily functions are built. Your diet factors in hormone production, semen production, your egg count, egg quality, the quality of your uterine lining, and a whole slew of other fertility-related processes. Therefore, it stands to reason your diet plays a fairly significant role in the success of your IVF treatment, from the start.


what to eat during ivf




An anti-inflammatory diet is instrumental in IVF success. To that end, minimize the intake of processed foods, fast foods, and sugar. Healthy fats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and clean proteins such as fish, legumes, and low-fat poultry are all part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Whole grains, omega 3 rich fish, and nuts contribute significantly to a healthy uterine lining. Soy products are fine, and even considered to be beneficial, for women undergoing IVF.

Here are some suggestions to power you through your day while you undergo IVF treatment:



Avocado toast is a healthy, easy-on-the-tummy way to start your day. Simply toast up your favorite whole grain bread, and top with sliced avocado. Not only will you keep the morning munchies at bay, you’ll also get a healthy dose of good fat, and important pregnancy vitamins C, E, and K, along with zinc, riboflavin, magnesium, and folate. Top that toast with a poached protein-rich egg and you’ll make breakfast even more nutritious.

Oatmeal is an easy, on-the-go breakfast that brings the pregnancy boosting ability of whole grain to the table. Top with some fresh fruit and low-fat, or dairy free milk and you have a complete breakfast.



Smoothies fire up your mid-morning slow down more than any coffee drink or donut ever could. Blend antioxidant-rich berries, some folate heavy greens like spinach, or kale, and nuts or wheat germ, yogurt, non-dairy or low-fat milk, and you have the power of nutrients to aid in IVF success. For a cool treat, make your smoothie the night before and leave on your desk until snack time.



Try to center your lunch around whole grains, fresh veggies, and lean protein. A salad of ancient grains like farro, freekeh, quinoa, and kamut, mixed with deep green leaf lettuces, kale, or spinach, sunflower seeds, and a light vinaigrette, served with low-mercury fish, grilled chicken, or tofu, is a delicious way to get all the best nutrients to aid in IVF.



Afternoon is the ideal time to enjoy a nice, healthy helping of fruit. Go for fresh fruits like pineapple, citrus, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, apple and papaya-whatever your favorite fresh fruits. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of chia seeds, sesame seeds, or sunflower seeds, or have some peanut, almond, or soy butter for a healthy fat addition.



Dinner is a great time for an easy-prep “nourish bowl”. Delicious and comforting bowls begin with a foundation of brown rice, or any whole grain you prefer. Top with greens sautéed in olive oil, grilled vegetables, your choice of protein, and a tahini-lemon sauce, or the healthy sauce of your choosing.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on a diet that will improve your odds of IVF success. Of course diet is a huge part of your health, but lifestyle also plays a role in your successful IVF treatment.


what to eat during ivf


During an IVF cycle, focus on eating healthy, balanced meals. Don’t make any major or significant changes during this time, like going gluten-free if you weren’t already.
Doctors recommend a Mediterranean-style diet. Its plant-based, colorful foundation should provide the positive nutrition your body needs.
What to eat during IVF
In fact, research shows that a Mediterranean diet may improve the IVF success rate among women who are under 35 years old and who don’t have overweight or obesity.
While the study was small, eating a healthy diet during the weeks leading up to the cycle certainly doesn’t hurt.
Since diet also affects sperm health, encourage your partner to stick to the Mediterranean diet with you.

Here are easy ways to revamp your nutrition with the Mediterranean diet:


  • Fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose lean proteins, like fish and poultry.
  • Eat whole grains, like quinoa, farro, and whole grain pasta.
  • Add in legumes, including beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
  • Switch to low-fat dairy products.
  • Eat healthy fats, such as avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
  • Avoid red meat, sugar, refined grains, and other highly processed foods.
  • Cut out salt. Flavor food with herbs and spices instead.

What to eat during IVF

Considering in IVF Then it’s important to learn about IVF success factors that can help or hinder your getting pregnant.



IVF Success Factor 1 – Age
Your age and using your own eggs are important IVF success factors to consider. While younger women have higher chances of IVF success, factors that reduce the chances of IVF success include being an older womanwith fewer eggs and the lower quality of an older woman’s eggs.

In fact, the live birth IVF success rate for women under 35 who start an IVF cycle is 40 percent. However, women over age 42 have a 4 percent success rate.


IVF Success Factor 2 – Previous pregnancy


More IVF success factors to think about include whether or not you were pregnant previously and if it was with the same partner.

If you were pregnant previously with the same partner that’s currently undergoing IVF treatment, there is a greater probability of IVF success. Factors such as a history of recurrent miscarriage or a different partner may reduce the chances of IVF success.

IVF success factors



IVF Success Factor 3 – Type of fertility problems
While some male infertility problems do impact IVF success, factors like uterine abnormalities, exposure to DES or fibroid tumors also decrease the likelihood of success with IVF.

Very important to know: IVF success factors are dependent on ovulation. Ovarian dysfunction, like high FSH levels which indicate a low ovarian reserve, may reduce the chances of IVF success.  Factors that may lower pregnancy rates and reduce success with IVF include needing large amounts of ovulation stimulation drugs.

When both partners are infertile with lower chances for IVF success, factors such as the length of time you have been infertile is important to consider. The chances of IVF success decrease with the amount of time a couple has been infertile.



IVF Success Factor 4 – Use of donor eggs
Donor eggs are a significant consideration, especially if you are over 35-40, as there may be a higher rate of IVF success. Factors such as egg quality and age of donor are important. Using donor eggs from younger women may increase the chances of pregnancy for women over 40. 2011 findings show a 55 percent live birth success rate with a fresh donor egg/embryo transfer.


IVF Success Factor 5 – Lifestyle habits
Stop smoking if you want to improve your chance of having a baby. In fact, many times the woman is required to stop smoking at least 3 months before starting IVF treatment.
  • Smokers require higher dosages of fertility drugs to stimulate their ovaries
  • Smokers have lower implantation rates than nonsmokers
  • Women who smoke require almost twice as many IVF attempts
  • Women who smoke experience more failed fertilization cycles

More IVF success factors to mull over include losing weight if you are overweight or obese. Women who are overweight have an increased risk of infertility as well as miscarriage. Overweight women also have less IVF success with fertility treatments than women of normal weight. Underweight women are also at greater risk of having success with IVF. Bottom line: aim to stay within a healthy weight range.



IVF Success Factor 6 – Fertility clinic
The center you choose to perform the IVF treatment can greatly affect your IVF success. Factors to think about when reviewing the success rate of fertility centers include:
  • The training and experience of the IVF clinic and staff
  • The live birth rate per IVF cycles started
  • The rate of patients pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets or more)
  • The laboratory used by the clinic and the qualifications of their staff
  • The types of patients accepted at the clinic, more specifically their age and fertility problem

Keep in mind that some clinics are more willing to accept patients with a lower chance of IVF success or they may specialize in particular treatments.



Know  your IVF success factors as you plan to get pregnant
Remember, just as with any chronic illness, knowledge is power with infertility. The more you learn about specific IVF success factors, the more control you will feel about high-tech treatments that help you get pregnant and start a family.

IVF Success factors

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that helps couples dealing with infertility conceive. The process involves extracting a woman’s eggs, collecting a sperm sample and combining the egg and sperm manually. After the egg and sperm have been combined in the laboratory, the embryo or embryos are transferred to the uterus. Although more costly, time consuming, and invasive than artificial insemination, IVF has excellent success rates for overcoming various types of infertility. Some of these include tubal factor, endometriosis, male factor infertility, age related infertility, diminished ovarian function, polycystic ovarian syndrome and unexplained infertility. Other implications for IVF are gender selection and preimplantation genetic screening for parents at risk for passing down genetic disorders.


what is IVF

There are additional options for IVF, like ICSI, PGD, assisted hatching, donor sperm, and a gestational carrier. Our goal is help you have a healthy baby, the least invasive, most cost effective way. The Advanced Fertility Clinic physicians will go over every possible option with you to guide you in making a more informed decision about the process that is right for you.


What is IVF?

The average cost of an IVF cycle in the U.S. is $12,400, according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. This price will vary depending on where you live, the amount of medications you're required to take, the number of IVF cycles you undergo, and the amount your insurance company will pay toward the procedure. You should thoroughly investigate your insurance company's coverage of IVF and ask for a written statement of your benefits. Although some states have enacted laws requiring insurance companies to cover at least some of the costs of infertility treatment, many states haven't .Costs-of-IVF


تكلفة اطفال الانابيب في ايران


 The cost of IVF in Iran is more affordable than in other countries. Also, in Iran, the infertility treatment services such as IVF have a high quality in the region and in the world. The low-cost of IVF in Iran is due to the low doctors’ wages and inexpensive services in the clinic. The medications cost are the same all over the world. Learn more about IVF cost in Iran: The cost of IVF in Iran


Any embryos that you do not use in your first IVF attempt can be frozen for later use. This will save you money if you undergo IVF a second or third time. If you do not want your leftover embryos, you may donate them to another infertile couple, or you and your partner can ask the clinic to destroy the embryos. Both you and your partner must agree before the clinic will destroy or donate your embryos.

IVF in Iran

A woman's age is a major factor in the success of IVF for any couple. For instance, a woman who is under age 35 and undergoes IVF has a 39.6% chance of having a baby, while a woman over age 40 has an 11.5% chance. However, the CDC recently found that the success rate is increasing in every age group as the techniques are refined and doctors become more experienced.

Success rates for IVF depend on a number of factors, including the reason for infertility, where you're having the procedure done, and your age.


IVF in Iran


The CDC compiles national statistics for all assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures performed in the U.S., including IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT, although IVF is by far the most common; it accounts for 99% of the procedures. The most recent report from 2016 found:

  • Pregnancy was achieved in an average of 27.3% of all cycles (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).
  • The percentage of cycles that resulted in live births was 22.2% on average (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).

Success Rates for IVF