IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator in Iran which providing the specialized fertility services and fertility treatment services like IVF and Egg Donation in Iran with the high quality and an affordable prices for couples who are suffering the infertility problems.

IVF in Iran

HayatMedTour is a medical tourism facilitator that has specialized in providing fertility assistance, infertility treatment, and IVF in Iran and Egg Donation in Iran at the best quality and affordable price for foreign couples who have infertility problems. Through cooperating with a wide network of health centers, hotels, and travel agencies, HayatMedtour provides the best and high quality of health care, travel and accommodation services at affordable prices to international infertile couple.

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How to Increase Your Chances of IVF Success

If you are looking to increase your chances of conceiving during IVF, here are 8 tips from 5 different fertility doctors.

Increase Your Chances of IVF Success

  • 1. Maintain a healthy weight.

"Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important in fertility and IVF," says Linnea Goodman, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UNC School of Medicine. "We know that being obese (BMI >35) and underweight (BMI <19) increases time of conception by 2 and 4 times respectively, and negatively effects IVF success rates. Being overweight also makes monitoring the ovaries during IVF more difficult and increases the chance of complications during egg retrievals."

This is best implemented with changes in diet and activity with professional help.

"Working with dietitian, and in some programs enrolling in a cardio metabolic weight loss program can help achieve these goals," says Zaraq Khan, MD, reproductive endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

2. Optimize sperm health.

"Use of multivitamins and maintaining optimal body weight, as well using boxers over briefs, could improve sperm quality," says Dr. Khan. "Under appropriate care, men can also be started on medications that can help boost sperm numbers and quality that can have a beneficial impact on IVF outcome. In certain cases, sperm aspirated directly from the testicle over ejaculate could also be beneficial. Involving a male infertility specialist for any form of abnormalities in semen analyses is key."

  • 3. Partner with an excellent doctor and embryology laboratory.

"Choosing an excellent reproductive endocrinologist is twofold: in addition to experience and commitment to evidence-based medicine, look for someone with whom you feel comfortable and connected. Your doctor will accompany you on this very emotional journey and it is important for you to feel supported and heard," says Elizabeth Fino, MD, fertility specialist at NYU Langone Fertility Center. "Asking for recommendations from friends and family who know you best can help guide you to a knowledgeable physician with whom you feel comfortable, but also be sure to do your research."

In a world of online reviews, it can be difficult to determine credibility.

"Be careful of online reviews—they are often completed by select patients who had an extreme experience for one reason or another and may not be universally applicable. FertilityIQ offers a unique model which hones in on specific aspects of the experience after vetting patient reviews.

To find an excellent embryology laboratory, look for a long history of exceptional outcomes. One source is the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology which details the clinic's volume and live birth rate."

4. Reduce your stress.

"Basal stress levels can influence natural and assisted conception rates," says Dr. Khan. "Reducing stress troubles during an IVF stimulation cycle can be one of the hardest things to achieve for couples. Several reports suggest improvement of pregnancy outcomes with the use of acupuncture and other stress relieving techniques, like enrolling in mind-body programs, stress reduction, and resilience training workshops."

5. Quit smoking

"Smoking can drastically decrease chance of success while doing IVF because it effects egg and sperm quality," says Dr. Khan.

But you don't have to do it on your own.

"Quitting smoking is not an easy task and often requires a great deal of personal as well as professional support. Try to involve your friends and family to help encourage you in the process. For smoking cessation, structured programs and/or pharmacological assistance have proven to be most successful," says Dr. Fino.

6. Look into taking supplements

"DHEA and CoQ10 are supplements that have shown some promise in association with an increase in egg quantity and quality," says Dr. Fino. "Talk to your doctor to see if he or she recommends them for you."

Multivitamins may also be helpful, adds Dr. Khan.

7. Ensure you have adequate levels of vitamin D

"Over 40% of individuals are deficient in Vitamin D, and there is emerging data on its association with infertility and worse IVF outcomes," says Tarun Jain, MD, medical director of Northwestern Medicine Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Oakbrook Terrace. "Ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level, and consider taking a vitamin D supplement."

8. Focus on persistence and patience.

"Many patients require more than one cycle of IVF to achieve an embryo for transfer and outcomes may vary significantly from cycle to cycle," says Shannon DeVore, MD, at NYU Langone Fertility Center. "If your first cycle wasn't successful, your doctor may be able to adjust the medications to optimize a subsequent one. Other times, it just means keeping at it. Try not to be discouraged by sub-optimal outcomes and setbacks—you are doing everything right. The single biggest thing to remember is that most (or all) of this is out of your control. Nobody likes lack of control, but sometimes letting go can help you endure the journey. Take care of yourself and don't blame yourself when things don't go well. You are not alone, it often takes a village to build a family."


Increase Your Chances of IVF Success

Read any article on “tips for increasing fertility” and you’re bound to see something about the importance of lifestyle – typically diet and exercise. A wide range of studies show a correlation between women with healthy weights and increased IVF success rates.

Exercise and IVF, however, is a trickier business. Too much exercise – particularly cardiovascular activity – seems to have an effect on reproductive hormone production, and that affects your ability to conceive.

IVF in Irab

Another challenge in determining “how much is too much” is that “exercise” for one woman is very different from exercise for another. The frequent low-impact walker exercises, as does the regular triathlete, as does the lifelong equestrian rider or rock climber. However, the intensity levels and risks associated with these various exercises is very different, and some are more conducive to a successful IVF cycle and a healthy pregnancy than others.

Take it Easy and Other Exercise Tips for IVF Success

After reviewing studies regarding exercise, pregnancy and IVF success, we’ve found these 6 tips will help you achieve the healthy pregnancy and live birth you so anxiously desire.

  1. Take it easy. That’s the most important and more general advice we can give to women who are pursuing IVF. We realize that taking it easy is a major challenge for women who are used to vigorous exercise. However, the more studies you review, the more you will see a correlation between increased physical activity and decreased rates of conception. If you are a regular runner, biker, marathon runner or participate in workout regimens designed for moderate/advanced athletes, your doctor is probably going to tell you to take it easy while pursuing your fertility treatments.
  1. Four hours or less. What does “take it easy mean?” Well, good question. A study, published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, reviewed IVF results for more than 2200 women over a nine year period. Their conclusion was, “Women who reported exercising 4 hours or more per week for 1-9 years were 40% less likely to have a live birth and were almost three times more likely to experience cycle cancellation and twice as likely to have an implantation failure or pregnancy loss than women who did not report exercise.” These findings may inspire you to pare your routine down a bit during the months preceding, during and after your IVF cycle to give you and your baby the best chance for success. Keep your cardio workouts to no more than 4 hours per week and fill in the gaps with lower-intensity options that still increase strength and flexibility, like yoga, water exercise, or tai chi.
  2. Ditch high-impact anything. If your exercise of choice is high-impact, it’s time to put it on the backburner for a while. Any serious falls, injuries or impact to the abdominal wall can seriously compromise your reproductive health, especially if there is a freshly implanted baby in there, or if you are prone to miscarriages.
  3. Prepare for “no exercise” during the week of egg retrieval. This isn’t because you shouldn’t (although you will want to take it easy), but more because you probably won’t feel like it. The fertility medications you’ll take, combined with some of their potential physical side effects – like bloating, fatigue and mild discomfort – will make you feel more like lying down and taking a nap than going outside to run a few miles. This is A-OK, and we always recommend you listen to your body and not push anything. You are embarking on a very intricate and delicate process, so you don’t want to do anything that could compromise it.
  4. Start finding other modes of stress release. For many women, regular exercise is as much about the stress relief and endorphin rush as it is about weight loss or overall health. If this is the case for you, start learning new ways to reduce or eliminate stress. What are some of the things you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t? Yoga, meditation, more outdoor time, a hobby or craft class, all those books you’ve meant to read but haven’t had time to? Now is the time to start fostering a relationship with other modes of stress release and “escape” so you won’t be so shell-shocked when you have to back off from exercising.
  5. Take the long view. Perhaps one of the best pieces of advice for any situation in life is to “take the long view.” Your months, or even a couple years, of lower-impact exercise may seem like forever to you, but they’re really not. You are making a tremendous commitment – mind, body, soul and wallet – to bring a baby into your life. The months you spend cutting back on excessive exercise now will be well worth the final results. Once you have your beautiful baby in your arms, you’ll enjoy nothing more than loading him or her up in your jogging stroller and getting back in shape. For now, just enjoy the miraculous process of transforming two single cells into a healthy, happy, miniature human being!


IVF and Exercise: 6 Tips for a Successful and Healthy Pregnancy

IVF hopes that millions of couples around the world will be able to live in the joy of their parents. Infertility is not uncommon. One in ten couples are facing infertility problems.

IVF or in vitro fertilization is one of the most common assisted reproductive technology (ART) for couples who cannot naturally become pregnant. However, this process does not guarantee a successful result on the first attempt. The chance of getting pregnant is about 15-20%. The most important step to a successful IVF is to know the tips and habits that will increase your chances of success.

prepare for IVF

How to prepare for IVF treatment?

First. Do all sorts of research to find out about the IVF clinic or center where you will receive your treatment. There may be one treatment process. However, how treatment is provided makes a big difference. Be mentally prepared for a long-term relationship. IVF success cannot be guaranteed in one cycle. Couples often have to go through multiple cycles. Therefore, it is very important to find out the location of the clinic, the availability of doctors, the approach of staff to you, the skills of technicians, the condition of the lab where fertilization takes place, etc. Create a list. A clinic that offers IVF treatment and confirms details before settling down. In addition, you should check the following information about your clinic or center:

– Pregnancy rate per embryo transfer

– Clinic fertility rate

– Procedure costs

– Clinic certification

– Doctor’s experience certificate

– Number of twins or multiple births

  • Avoid increased sperm count and masturbation


According to IVF experts, refraining from masturbation or sexual intercourse 3-4 days before the sperm donation or fertilization process increases the chances of successful IVF. During this time, the male partner should not ejaculate. Sperm quality changes over time. Therefore, it is important to analyze semen before the IVF process begins.


Important Lifestyle Tips for IVF Success:

IVF lifestyle

For a woman who is undergoing or planning IVF, it is important to understand that every small and large habit plays a major role in her lifestyle. Everything from the diet she consumes to how to deal with her emotionally and mentally therapeutic journey influences her overall lifestyle habits.

  1. Good fat is a must

According to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, eating a diet rich in monounsaturated fats helps women seeking pregnancy through IVF achieve successful results. Monounsaturated fats are excellent fats that are known to protect the heart and improve fertility. Foods rich in monounsaturated fats include nuts, avocados, olive oil, and sunflower oil. These foods not only improve fertility, but also help the growth and development of the fetus. Adding good fat to your regular diet is the first tip to a successful IVF. Adding good fat does not guarantee 100% successful IVF, but it can definitely increase your chances.

Here’s how to renew your diet:

– Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

– Eat whole grains and lean protein

– Add legumes, beans, lentils, chickpeas

– Switch to low-fat dairy products

– Disable lean meats and processed foods

  1. Trust the goodness of meditation

IVF is a complex process. In most cases, repetitive cycles, efforts, and costs can hurt the lives of couples, especially women. However, in reality, stress can affect the reproductive system and further delay the chances of successful IVF. When you start in vitro fertilization treatment, it is normal for stress and anxiety to hurt your life. However, the way to deal with anxiety is stress relief. Meditation is the best way to relieve stress. Breathing meditation can reduce stress and improve body performance.

  1. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine

Alcohol is a teratogenic substance, meaning that it can affect the normal functioning and formation of the fetus. Therefore, women who are trying to become pregnant at any cost should avoid alcohol. Smoking is another thing that can affect the success of IVF. Smoking affects the quality of eggs and sperm. Smoking can significantly reduce the chances of getting pregnant by in vitro fertilization Caffeine can adversely affect your baby’s health. Pregnant women or women preparing to carry a baby should not exceed 200 mg per day. Avoid coffee and soda. These are a rich source of caffeine. IVF experts suggest avoiding caffeine altogether once treatment begins.

  1. Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is not good for fetal development. Body mass index (BMI) has a direct impact on your health. Being overweight or obese reduces the chances of successful in vitro fertilization. Similar harm can occur in underweight women. If you are at both ends of your weight range, make the necessary changes to achieve a healthy weight. Eat a healthy diet and incorporate aerobic exercise as a basic lifestyle habit.

  1. Avoid strenuous exercise

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for successful in vitro fertilization, but not through strenuous activity. Indulging in active activity can do more harm to your body than benefits and reduce your chances of successful conception. Avoid strenuous exercise after conception as it can cause implantation failure and miscarriage. If it is imperative to achieve a healthy weight, try to achieve it by doing low intensity exercises such as yoga, walking and swimming.

  1. Get enough sleep

Sleep is an important determinant of the success or failure of IVF treatment. Before you book in vitro fertilization, you need to adjust your sleep cycle. Go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep for 7-8 hours every day. More or less sleep can reduce the chances of successful IVF. Keep electronic devices away from your body while you sleep. A good night’s sleep in a dark environment is thought to regulate melatonin in the body, which can improve a woman’s mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Avoid harmful chemicals

Avoid chemicals that can interfere with the success of IVF.

– Manicure

– Cosmetics, soaps and shampoos containing parabens, triclosan and benzophenones

– Brominated flame retardants in furniture and electronic devices

  1. Take supplements

Once you start IVF treatment, there are some important supplements you can take.

Start with prenatal vitamins before starting the first cycle. Increase your intake of folic acid.

Prenatal vitamins can even help your partner improve their sperm health. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to problems with fetal health development. Therefore, taking vitamin D supplements is very important for the success of IVF.

These are basic lifestyle tips that can guarantee a healthy and successful IVF for any couple. If you have a health problem or are facing a problem, it is always best to notify and consult an IVF specialist immediately and without delay, rather than relying on lifestyle tips from your side.


Lifestyle Tips for IVF Success

If you are looking to increase your chances of conceiving during IVF, here are 8 tips from 5 different fertility doctors.

IVF in Iran


1. Maintain a healthy weight.
"Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important in fertility and IVF," says Linnea Goodman, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UNC School of Medicine. "We know that being obese (BMI >35) and underweight (BMI <19) increases time of conception by 2 and 4 times respectively, and negatively effects IVF success rates. Being overweight also makes monitoring the ovaries during IVF more difficult and increases the chance of complications during egg retrievals."

This is best implemented with changes in diet and activity with professional help.

"Working with dietitian, and in some programs enrolling in a cardio metabolic weight loss program can help achieve these goals," says Zaraq Khan, MD, reproductive endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

IVF treatment involves 6 main stages:

IVF in Iran

  1. suppressing your natural cycle – the menstrual cycle is suppressed with medication
  2. boosting your egg supply – medication is used to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs than usual
  3. monitoring your progress and maturing your eggs – an ultrasound scan is carried out to check the development of the eggs, and medication is used to help them mature
  4. collecting the eggs – a needle is inserted into the ovaries, via the vagina, to remove the eggs
  5. fertilising the eggs – the eggs are mixed with the sperm for a few days to allow them to be fertilised
  6. transferring the embryo(s) – 1 or 2 fertilised eggs (embryos) are placed into the womb

Once the embryo(s) has been transferred into your womb, you'll need to wait 2 weeks before taking a pregnancy test to see if the treatment has worked.


What happens during IVF




Success rates for IVF depend on a number of factors, including the reason for infertility, where you're having the procedure done, and your age.


IVF in Iran


The CDC compiles national statistics for all assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures performed in the U.S., including IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT, although IVF is by far the most common; it accounts for 99% of the procedures. The most recent report from 2016 found:

  • Pregnancy was achieved in an average of 27.3% of all cycles (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).
  • The percentage of cycles that resulted in live births was 22.2% on average (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).

Success Rates for IVF